Wednesday, January 29, 2014


It is no secret to those that know me, I am a pink girl. So I am going with a pink blog for now....I love this color for many reasons, but won't get into that right now because it is way too late, and I need to go and get into bed. I just thought I would post a little something while I was waiting for the laundry to get done. I fell behind in my blogging in 2013. However, I plan to be better in 2014 at a lot of things and this is one of them. I am ready for a New Year. The boys are growing way too fast, and I feel an urgency to keep records, pictures and to savor every moment I have with them. Being a Mom is my greatest joy. I have so many adventures planned this year for them. I hope to make a lot of memories this year and to hear a lot of laughter and giggles.

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