Wednesday, September 4, 2013


So lately it seems that my blogging has been posting quickly because my reality is....I am always playing catch up somehow. So I had a little time while Eli is napping, made some hot chocolate-(even though it is still warm outside, it just replaced the comfort of my cup of coffee). So I guess the epiphany started when reality hit me that Max is in third grade, THIRD GRADE! I realized how time has flown by too fast and in the midst of the chaos, the move, chasing goats, going here or there.........I have forgotten. I have forgotten to stop, take in the view, breathe deeply, and enjoy the beauty around me. I have realized I keep piling large tasks upon myself and at times lose focus. So, I have a new goal, to slow it down, take in the view, and to think about decisions before I make them. I want to live simply, so I am going to make it simple. It has been an interesting experience to be in our new Haven. I wouldn't change the decision we made for the world, but it has been all sunshine and roses.....especially since the goats seem to eat all my roses! So today I am choosing to regroup, regain faith, and strength. I am learning that forgiveness is essential and one of the hardest things for me to do. However, "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me." Phillipians 4:13. Max was off on his second day today, and didn't want to wear any of his new clothes, then ended up wearing his new clothes. I can't figure him out sometimes, but I love him so much. This morning when I went to drop him off I went to give him a hug and a kiss on the head, and he said "Mom, I thought we talked about this." He apparently is too old to show affection to his Mom in public, so hugs and kisses are before we get out of the car I guess :). Love my little men! I couldn't help but just relish my time with Eli this morning when he happily walked around the yard picking these pretty orange wild flowers. I got him a cup to put them in, but he was just happy carrying them around.....I need to be more like this...I need to stop thinking about the end result or "putting the flowers in a cup", and I need to just be happy gathering and carrying the flowers around. My boys teach me lessons like this everyday. Now I understand why many times God tells us in the scriptures to be as little children. Little children get it. I gotta get some things done and check on my cute little napping bundle. Love to all, Shay

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